NURSE GRADUATE PROGRAMME PROTEST DR STEEVENS HOSPITAL FRI FEB 1STThe PNA and INMO have organised a protest for this Friday 1 st February .

The protest will take place outside HSE HQ, (Dr Steeven's Hospital) opposite Heuston Station, Dublin at 11:00.

The PNA/ INMO reaffirm their outright opposition, to the proposed HSE graduate programme, and reiterate their shared view that that recruiting graduates @ 80% of the agreed pay rate i.e. € 22,000 is nothing other than an attempt to introduce cheap labour in breach of agreed salaries under a superficial guise of an educational graduate programme.

The HSE are presenting this flawed initiative as some sort of opportunity for new graduates. In reality, this programme is an insult to the nursing and midwifery profession and devalues every nurse/midwife is an overt attempt to recruit cheap labour in breach of agreed salaries.

Please make it your priority to attend this protest demonstration. We also urge you to share this information with your colleagues through all media fora, text, facebook, e mail, notice boards. We must protect the future of nursing and midwifery in Ireland.

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