
Tuesday 23 rd  2019  : The Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA) said today (Tuesday 23 rd. 2019 ) that its members will not work  beyond contracted hours  from  tomorrow evening (Wednesday 24 th July) following the collapse of talks at the WRC  on proposals to resolve the crisis in recruitment and retention  in mental health services.

Announcing the recommencement of the refusal of overtime by PNA members, Peter Hughes, PNA General Secretary said it was disappointing that psychiatric nurses found themselves again having to take this action after being given clear indications by the employer that they were ready to bring forward meaningful and constructive proposals to finally resolve this dispute, and address the recruitment and retention crisis in mental health once and for all.

‘Unfortunately, yesterday's talks at the WRC showed once again the lack of any urgency by the employer to agree detailed terms that would end this dispute'.

‘Having suspended  our strike action five months ago to enter in good faith in a talks process, PNA finds we are back in dispute and have been left with no option but to reinstate the action by  members who will not  work beyond their contracted hours starting from the beginning of the evening shift tomorrow , Wednesday July 24 th .'

‘Our members are resolute that our mental health services cannot continue under a cloud of constant staff shortages which are impacting at all levels of the services. With 700 current vacancies and a haemorrhage of staff to better paid posts in the private sector and abroad, the crisis in recruitment and retention of psychiatric nurses is growing by the week and cannot be allowed to continue'.

Media contact: Derek Cunningham 086 2430535

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